Set in a vast array of Disney and Pixar worlds, KINGDOM HEARTS follows the journey of Sora, a young boy and unknowing heir to a spectacular power. Sora is joined...
The Odyssey of a Reluctant Hero – Lead Frey on an unforgettable journey in her search for a way home after being mysteriously transported to an ancient, fantastical land. Unravel...
ONE PIECE ODYSSEY is an RPG project to commemorate ONE PIECE brand’s 25th Anniversary, which combines classic staples of the JRPG genre with the unique elements of ONE PIECE. This game...
Beyond the epic battles, experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world as you fight, fish, eat, and train with Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and others. Explore the new areas and...
Medieval fantasy world: Filled with chaos and lethal danger, where the player never feels safe; The full history of both the world and the player's character unveils and dramatically changes...
JOIN THE BRATZ PACK!: Play as the girls with a passion for fashion – Yasmin, Cloe, Jade, and Sasha. HAVE A FASHION ADVENTURE: Explore, make new friends, play games, and...
All-Star Production: LEVEL-5’s mastery of the RPG genre is combined with music created by the renowned Joe Hisaishi and character designs by animation artist Yoshiyuki Momose. Captivating Story: A charming...
CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION is a remaster of the original CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII-, featuring a complete HD graphics overhaul, a remastered soundtrack, a reimagined UI, and an...
Chronus Arc - The game features familiar quests, but also dungeons filled with puzzles to solve, and characters who grow and can be developed as the story progresses with...
Features Asdivine Hearts II - With a world on the verge of being frozen in ice, hearts unite once more in a sequel to the smash hit RPG series! Revenant...
The World of Pokémon Has Evolved - Pokémon Violet offers an open-world experience that only the Pokémon series can deliver—one welcoming even to newcomers to the series. New Pokémon to Discover -...
The World of Pokémon Has Evolved - Pokémon Scarlet offers an open-world experience that only the Pokémon series can deliver—one welcoming even to newcomers to the series. New Pokémon to Discover -...
Story Campaign: Journey across six vivid islands and embark on the adventure of becoming a Temtem tamer while fighting against the evil Clan Belsoto. Online World: The days of traveling solo...
Play as a Pokémon as you talk to, befriend and fight alongside your favourite characters Revisit the classic in this beautiful watercolour remake of the first Mystery Dungeon - on...
Study Pokémon behaviors, sneak up on them, and toss a well-aimed Poké Ball to catch them Unleash moves in the speedy agile style or the powerful strong style in battles...
Revisit the Sinnoh region from the original Pokémon Pearl Version game and set off to try and become the Champion of the Pokémon League The Pokémon Shining Pearl game brings...