Set in a vast array of Disney and Pixar worlds, KINGDOM HEARTS follows the journey of Sora, a young boy and unknowing heir to a spectacular power. Sora is joined...
Delve into an epic dark fantasy universe stricken by decline and the Curse. Explore its intricate world design - full of hidden passages, dungeons, and secrets - and uncover its...
As fires fade and the world falls into ruin, developer FROM SOFTWARE and director Hidetaka Miyazaki continue their critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series with Dark Souls III. Fans and newcomers alike...
New battle system - The evolved form of Linear Motion Battle System adds a new option to map artes to control pad buttons for chained combo attacks. Powerful playable character...
Medieval fantasy world: Filled with chaos and lethal danger, where the player never feels safe; The full history of both the world and the player's character unveils and dramatically changes...
Immerse yourself in the epic scale of Middle-Earth as you forge a new ring and siege epic fortresses to face the dark lord and Nazgul. Experience a richer and more...
Experience the music of KINGDOM HEARTS like never before! Melody of Memory features 20+ characters, 140+ music tracks, and online VS multiplayer mode. Explore the music and memories from the...
All-Star Production: LEVEL-5’s mastery of the RPG genre is combined with music created by the renowned Joe Hisaishi and character designs by animation artist Yoshiyuki Momose. Captivating Story: A charming...
Enhanced game play features: Zodiac Job System: Improved leveling system that caters to the player's preference; Trial Mode: Take on monsters and enemies in up to 100 consecutive battles; Speed...
Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings. Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash, and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries. Explore a vast interconnected world of...
Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo are back from the sewers with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection assembles thirteen classic TMNT games...
2 games in one pack from the award-winning Far Cry franchise In Far Cry 5 spark the fires of resistance against a fanatic cult Carve your own path, with the...
Come one, come all, to witness an interactive entertainment spectacle for the ages. Presenting…the all-cartoon Wondergame, Cuphead!! In this classic run-and-gun action game, play as brothers Cuphead or Mugman (in...
In this narrative-driven, third-person survival horror game set 300 years in the future, the player will take on the role of Jacob Lee – a victim of fate thrown into...
Suffer the brutal torment of a demon forcing you to continue a gory ritual Phycological and Survival Horror blend into one as you try to survive Get lost in this...