Lambda HEETS, Amber Selection, Balanced Tobacco Taste, Pack of 200 Tobacco Sticks
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  • SKU: P-HE-A-H-3013-S
  • Availability: Temporarily Out of stock

HEETS, Amber Selection, 10 Packs Tobacco Sticks

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  • Amber Label sticks have an unusual, rich, tart tobacco taste with light woody and nutty notes. The taste is strong and tart, but leaves behind a pleasant aftertaste. The taste of tobacco is pronounced and has a characteristic odor.
  • According to users, there is still a light woody aroma and gives off a straw. There are those who have a nutty aftertaste. They are popular with consumers, so they quickly disappear from the shelves.
  • For smokers, these sticks are ideal for use as they are the strongest and perfectly transmit cigarette tobacco. Heets Amber has the most intense tobacco aroma. The smell is the strongest of all.
  • Together with the taste and strength level, it is recommended for people who switch to IQOS immediately after cigarettes, since other, light stick tastes are initially felt as chemical.
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